Fix the usability and visual problems of the interface used on this espresso machine.
As an amateur barista, I once thought of buying this espresso machine but the interface was so off-putting that I couldn't see myself using it. I ended up buying a different machine but I felt the urge to fix the design issues just as a personal project.

Functional prototype
View the video below.

Problems with client's interface

New design system

Accessibility tests (Colorblindness)
Normal vision

Tritanomaly vision

Protanomaly vision

Deuteranomaly vision

Client's design

My design

The main navigation bar is much cleaner and the active tab is in bright yellow.
The icons are more streamlined and clear.
The settings button has been moved to the main nav and the power button made smaller to prevent hitting it by mistake.
Client's design

My design

Colors are now much brighter and vibrant.
I moved the thermometer controls at the bottom so to have all parameters regrouped together.
I removed the sliders since they don't allow for very precise adjustment. Alternatively, the user can drag black points on the graph directly.
Client's design

My design

The value is now above the slider rather than below. Users can always see the value when they move the slider.
Client design

My design

The main navigation is now always visible at the top.
Layout is much cleaner and less confusing.
Switches, buttons and sliders are more prominent and easy to use.
Since it was a personal project, I presented the old and the new screens to friends and gave them tasks to do on both versions. There was no appeal. My design won hands down. The reaction time, ease of navigation and the enjoyment of using the application were a thousand times better than the client's design.
I succeeded in getting a conference call with the CEO of the company and showed him the design issues. He took well note of my feedback and said that he will fix what he could.
Since I'm really into coffee machines, this is something I could relate to while designing and see myself enjoying using. If the machine had a much better interface, I would have seriously considered buying it.
Since I'm really into coffee machines, this is something I could relate to while designing and see myself enjoying using. If the machine had a much better interface, I would have seriously considered buying it.